A possible one and a half million dollar tile could fall on Red Bull. According to multiple Dutch sources, the supermarket chain Jumbo, personal sponsor of Max Verstappen, could leave Formula 1 and Red Bull following a money laundering investigation which led to the resignation of the group's CEO. Frits van Eerd.
As reported by Dutch Times, Jumbo would not want to stop sponsoring Verstappen, but a critical analysis of all past and present sponsorships by the supermarket chain is underway, also present in the endurance world with Racing Team Nederland (in which van Eerd himself has coursed alongside Giedo van der Garde).

The pro-tempore managing director, Ton van Veen, explained how the investigation does not concern the supermarket chain but only the figure of its former CEO, but nevertheless Jumbo seems destined to interrupt almost all its sponsorships (cycling, motocross, soccer teams, pool tournaments and much more) . In 2021 Jumbo had sponsored as well Rinus van Kalmthout, Dutch driver in IndyCar, but even there the partnership was reduced from main sponsor to associate.
The negative publicity linked to van Eerd has not done any damage as far as the economic side is concerned, but it has forced Jumbo to review its sponsorships and investments. It would not be a great economic loss, but Verstappen would certainly lose a return also in terms of image. Furthermore, one wonders about the future of many Dutch talents, who were supported by Jumbo during their career in the minor formulas.