The strength of the lion and a seven-time world champion who dreams of his eighth title and, although his identity card says he is 37 years old, in reality he looks much younger.
A season on the rise
We are talking about Lewis Hamilton. The Mercedes driver's season was very special. After the terrible start, in which the Englishman suffered a lot with a W13, defined by everyone as a killer car. Serious back problems, related to porpoising, have significantly compromised the performance of Sir Lewis at the beginning of the season who has not spared attacks on the team. “We look like kangaroos" he declared after Imola, making everyone understand the great difficulty he felt in driving the car.
The constancy
However, following some updates, Mercedes has worked so hard on the porpoising phenomenon that it seems to have completely disappeared. In fact, from Canada, Hamilton has collected four consecutive podiums: two third places, a Silverstone and Austria, and two second places in France e Hungary. Although Mercedes still seems slightly behind Red Bull e Ferrari, the consistency, the reliability and the great feeling that Hamilton now seems to have, bring the german team to be able to have their say within this season.
Hamilton denies retirement rumors: "I'm not giving up"
However, great attention is paid above all for next season, in which many expect Mercedes to return to the title fight. But, the year 2023, will be also Lewis' last? The seven-time world champion's contract expires next year and he wanted to clarify the rumors about his future in a long interview with Vanity Fair.
"I'm still on a mission, I still like driving, it challenges me. I don't think I'll stop anytime soon. I don't give up. If anyone thinks that I give in, they are wrong: maybe that's what they would do, but I'm made differently. I'm made to drive. Maybe people still don't know me, even after all these years. But that's okay, I'll prove you wrong again."