The Sky Original documentary film arrives at Christmas, centered on the gripping and tragic story of two Formula 1 legends, as well as historic rivals, Gilles Villeneuve and Didier Pironi. Produced by Sky Italia and Sky Studios and created by Noah Media Group, Villeneuve Pironi will be exclusively on Sky Documentaries on 25 December at 21.15, streaming only on NOW and also available on demand.
Villeneuve Pironi lands on Sky
Forty years after the tragic and well-known season of F1 from 1982 and with the contribution, for the first time, of both families, the documentary tells the surprising story of Canadian icon Gilles Villeneuve and French superstar Didier Pironi. All united by a passion for speed and a determination to win, but irreparably divided by a historic and highly controversial episode that occurred between them. Using extraordinary archival footage and exclusive family interviews, the documentary explores the fascinating lives, careers and theatrical rivalry between the two icons of Formula 1. In the most perilous years of modern motoring, two courageous companions and Ferrari drivers coveted to win the world championship. However, during the San Marino Grand Prix, Pironi broke an unwritten agreement, stealing the victory from his colleague and friend Villeneuve on the last lap.
In a storyline laden with mystery and intrigue, this documentary reveals every gripping twist, uncovering the truth behind that unwritten agreement on the fateful last ride.
An unforgettable story
Two generations have agreed to contribute to the film: Gilles' children Melanie Villeneuve e Jacques Villeneuve, the latter former Formula 1 world champion, and Didier's children bearing the names of the two drivers, Gilles Pironi e Didier pironi. Fundamental contributions are made by the pilots' companions: Gilles' wife Joanne Villeneuve and Didier's partner Catherine Goux. The film also features some of the most important names in the history of Formula 1, such as Alain Prost and Sir Jackie Stewart.
The film is directed by Torquil Jones (14 Peaks: climbed to the limits of the possible, Bobby Robson: more than a manager) and produced by John McKenna (14 Peaks: climbing the limits of the possible, Steve McQueen: a reckless life) and former Formula 1 driver Mark Webber.
SOURCE: Sky Italy